I lived alone for about 8 years but currently I have a girl staying with me. It’s a little strange but mostly fine but let me tell you about one change that annoys me….
When I’m living by myself, I don’t close the door to the bathroom when I’m in there. Why would I? I’m the laziest person in the world and opening and closing doors expends energy. There’s absolutely no reason to close the door when you’re alone in a locked house and nobody else has the key (except my mum for emergencies.)
Of course, when someone is visiting or, as of right now, staying with you for a longer term, you need to close the bathroom door when you’re using it. And that’s fine, I can deal with that. I like my privacy and I don’t want to know what anyone else is up to in the bathroom either.
But what drives me crazy is when people shut the bathroom door again after they’ve finished with it.
When they do this it becomes impossible to tell from the outside whether it’s empty or not. Sure, you can do a sweep of the house to count whether everyone’s accounted for… but remember how I started by saying how lazy I am? I just want to be able to walk into an empty bathroom and use it without taking a risk that I’m going to walk in on someone.
The only reason I’ve ever seen for this behaviour is people who've made a smell and they don’t want it getting out… To that I say - it’s going to fade a lot quicker if you let some fresh air in! I don’t want to be the next sucker who goes to the bathroom and discovers there’s a terrible smell pent up and waiting to ambush me!
Are you a bathroom door closer? If so, what is your excuse? Please stop that immediately (or at least at my house).
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